‘She would disappear and no mistake.’ – Chapter 1 of The Wall revealed.

Hello all, I’ve been working on the sequel to my fantasy The Edict (2017) which is currently entitled The Wall. The second instalment in The She Trilogy; you’ll get to catch-up with your favourite characters from book 1 and meet some newbies too… The Wall working-blurb: In the aftermath of war the Kingdom of Emrilion is rallying,ContinueContinue reading “‘She would disappear and no mistake.’ – Chapter 1 of The Wall revealed.”

The sea

Largely, I am a practical person. Or I like to think I am. I like logic, common sense, and using nouse when making decisions. Sometimes I pride myself in it, though I am also inclined to make silly decisions and all my logic then falls down. But generally, I’m not into touchy feely stuff. That’sContinueContinue reading “The sea”

Jodi Taylor’s Just One Damned Thing After Another

Historians + time travel = happpppppyyyyyyy Pip This book really is a silly, raucous and a tremendously entertaining adventure. I love history and so the idea of time travelling historians going on adventures and saving the day really is always going to win with me! Facebook advertising…really? It turns out, Facebook advertising works. You see,ContinueContinue reading “Jodi Taylor’s Just One Damned Thing After Another”

A Very Short Introduction to World War I by Michael Howard

I just can’t recommend this book enough if you want an overview of World War I. And I just can’t recommend it enough if you don’t, because what I’ve learned from reading it, is that we should always remember.

Daphne Du Maurier’s Frenchman’s Creek

I love Cornwall. Have you gotten that yet? It just feels like I have that place in the blood (and I can claim some Cornish ancestors), so any book that’s based there holds quite the draw for me. And with the re-doing of Poldark there’s quite a few who are enthralled by stories from thatContinueContinue reading “Daphne Du Maurier’s Frenchman’s Creek”

Reading and sequels

This morning I started my writing day with reading. It turns out it was quite a good idea, but if I said I did it for any other reason than to stop myself putting the tele on I’d be lying. My name is Philippa, and I am a TV addict. A book a month challengeContinueContinue reading “Reading and sequels”