A Faithful Confidant…

That is, I believe, a just description of Peter Highsmith. No title to bear his name high, but a fortune large enough to compliment any young woman who would bear his name herself, Highsmith is a very amiable gentleman. He has an attractive masculine frame and a pleasant manner which has led to more thanContinueContinue reading “A Faithful Confidant…”

An Impetuous Heroine…

As promised, I am here again to introduce you to my heroine. I know, I’m as surprised as you, my blogging habits are shockingly irregular normally, but this perhaps shows you of my anticipation surrounding The Unexpected Earl coming out on the 20th of September. So, who is the impetuous heroine who I’ve been going onContinueContinue reading “An Impetuous Heroine…”

The Unexpected Earl Cover & Blurb Reveal!!!

It’s just so exciting when your novel gets its cover. It’s like something immaterial is finally given a face and you can point to it and say, ‘that’s mine’ rather than just imagine the title and picture in your head. The Unexpected Earl, the story of a tempestuous heroine named Julia and all the scrapesContinueContinue reading “The Unexpected Earl Cover & Blurb Reveal!!!”