Fascinating Interview with Maria Grace

I always like reading interviews of other writers. I find it fascinating to learn about the way they write and what they have achieved. That’s why I feel so horribly remiss – I am late in putting this interview into the internet-space-waves as my brain has apparently been replaced by a sieve in recent weeks…ContinueContinue reading “Fascinating Interview with Maria Grace”

The Widow’s Redeemer on Nook @ Barnes & Noble

Great news for all my American friends – The Widow’s Redeemer is now officially available on Nook, the Barnes & Noble eReader! It has been great to see my book become available to readers in paperback and on Kindle. I have loved reading the reviews, and for those people who I have met that haveContinueContinue reading “The Widow’s Redeemer on Nook @ Barnes & Noble”

Attending a Regency Ball by Maria Grace

“The characteristic of an English country dance is that of gay simplicity. The steps should be few and easy, and the corresponding motion of the arms and body unaffected, modest, and graceful.” – The Mirror of Graces, 1811 Above is an example of the Quadrille In a society governed by strict rules regulating the interactionContinueContinue reading “Attending a Regency Ball by Maria Grace”

What to do with reviews

I owe all the ingenuity of this blog post to my husband. He came up with a great idea of what to do with the reviews for my book The Widow’s Redeemer, and before you think it, no, he did not say ‘Don’t read them’ or ‘Throw them in the bin’. You see, it isContinueContinue reading “What to do with reviews”

A Regency Hero’s Best Friend – Major Deveril

‘What a Jolly, good old fellow!’ Now, where would we all be without a best friend at our side to laugh with and, when we’re being rather silly, to cuff us around the ear? You have already met The Widow’s Redeemer hero, Viscount Beauford, and today, I’d like to introduce you to his best-mate. Now,ContinueContinue reading “A Regency Hero’s Best Friend – Major Deveril”

A Regency Heroine: Letty Burton

 ‘Determined, strong, good; a woman of indomitable spirit.’ Yep. That’s me. What a great description. Wait, wait, wait; woah, woah woah! I think…I THINK I may have gotten that wrong. Yes, in fact, I’m sure. You see, when I write (which is whenever I get the chance), I tend to write my heroines as theContinueContinue reading “A Regency Heroine: Letty Burton”

My Ordinary Regency Life

I have to say, on a day like today, when my head is aching, my eyes are tired and I am feeling generally fed-up, it is the sort of time when all I want to do is curl up with my favourite Georgette Heyer in a snuggly blanket with a cuppa and shut out theContinueContinue reading “My Ordinary Regency Life”

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same by Maria Grace

I am pleased to welcome onto my blog this week, author Maria Grace. Maria is quite a lady having two graduate degrees, a husband, six cats and eight writing projects under her belt! Maria is here to talk about Regency Cooking & House-Keeping so without further ado: ‘There’s an old saying: The more things change,ContinueContinue reading “The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same by Maria Grace”

Women’s Regency Fashion & Dress by Regina Jeffers

I am very pleased to welcome onto my blog author Regina Jeffers. Regina is a resident of North Carolina, USA, a teacher and a Jane Austen enthusiast. This love of the English author has lead her to writing several Jane Austen adaptations and sequels, Regency Romances and contemporary romances, novels include: The Disappearance of GeorgianaContinueContinue reading “Women’s Regency Fashion & Dress by Regina Jeffers”

Fat Prince George : Portrait of a Regent

Fat Prinny George is one of those memorable monarchs. He may not be on par with King Henry VIII and his many wives, but Georgie Porgie certainly did cause quite as much talk as the much-married King. He was Regent over the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland from 1811-1820 (the Regency) and becameContinueContinue reading “Fat Prince George : Portrait of a Regent”