The Widow’s Redeemer Audiobook

The Widow’s Redeemer has been released on Audible! I’ve been enjoying rather a long break away from online activities. It was partly for the ‘having a break’ thing and partly to give myself some creative space. Everything’s so busy and buzzing and instant these days, and I confess to not always being able to shutContinueContinue reading “The Widow’s Redeemer Audiobook”

Giveaway Winners and Whatnot!

So, I shall not do any ado, I shall just say it: The winner of the hard-copy giveaway of The Widow’s Redeemer and The Unexpected Earl is Emily Nazer! The winner of the e-copy giveaway of the above is Luann Braley! I really hope that both of you enjoy the books – what an excuseContinueContinue reading “Giveaway Winners and Whatnot!”

FREE BOOKS…well, if that doesn’t get you to click then perhaps we shouldn’t have a blogging relationship…

Haha! You clicked! In fact, let me just roll out the villain laugh, MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Of course, I’m kidding, for those who don’t click through, we can still have a blogging relationship, but to be quite frank, if you’re not interested in books you’ll find my blog rather dull. January can be quite a drear month,ContinueContinue reading “FREE BOOKS…well, if that doesn’t get you to click then perhaps we shouldn’t have a blogging relationship…”

PRICE SLASH on The Widow’s Redeemer

Fancy reading a Regency romance? Have you been thinking of buying The Widow’s Redeemer but haven’t got round to it yet? Just need a large cuppa and a good read? Well GOOD NEWS! My publishers have informed me that The Widow’s Redeemer Kindle version is having it’s price slashed to $1.23 on and an amazinglyContinueContinue reading “PRICE SLASH on The Widow’s Redeemer”

Kindle Giveaway Winner US & UK!

A short and very sweet post to announce the winners of my Kindle US & UK Giveaway! Ooo, exciting times…. Winner of the US Kindle copy of The Widow’s Redeemer = Anne Goodwin! Winner of the UK Kindle copy of The Widow’s Redeemer = Yvonne French! I am delighted to announce that the winners willContinueContinue reading “Kindle Giveaway Winner US & UK!”

US & UK Kindle GIVEAWAY of The Widow’s Redeemer! 1st June – 14th June

Hallooo all! Now, I have been somewhat buried – that’s right, literally buried – in edits of my new manuscript, and as you have seen, I’ve come up for air to share excerpts of Miss Rotherham that I’ve edited and to host brilliantly written guest posts like Rosanne E. Lortz’s one 🙂 To apologise forContinueContinue reading “US & UK Kindle GIVEAWAY of The Widow’s Redeemer! 1st June – 14th June”

RONE Awards – My Book is up for Public Voting!!!

My debut novel The Widow’s Redeemer (Madison Street Publishing, 2012), has been nominated for the RONE Book Award for excellence in post medieval historical fiction and it is now up for public voting which you can do here! (I will only be posting about this once 🙂 ) What’s the RONE Award: In a pre-publicationContinueContinue reading “RONE Awards – My Book is up for Public Voting!!!”

Susan Lindsay Winner of The Widow’s Redeemer Paperback Giveaway

Just a short and very sweet post to announce that the winner of the giveaway of The Widow’s Redeemer, which ran between the 18th-24th March, is Susan Lindsay!A massive congratulations to Susan who will be receiving her signed copy of the book this coming week 🙂 I really hope you enjoy it Susan, and that itContinueContinue reading “Susan Lindsay Winner of The Widow’s Redeemer Paperback Giveaway”

The Widow’s Redeemer Paperback Giveaway- UK!

WOOP! How very exciting indeed! A UK Giveaway of my book The Widow’s Redeemer is taking place on this blog between 18th and 24th of March!!!! Up for grabs is a Paperback copy of my debut novel, a sweet Regency romance featuring a ‘A penniless young widow with an indomitable spirit. A wealthy viscount withContinueContinue reading “The Widow’s Redeemer Paperback Giveaway- UK!”

The Widow’s Redeemer on Nook @ Barnes & Noble

Great news for all my American friends – The Widow’s Redeemer is now officially available on Nook, the Barnes & Noble eReader! It has been great to see my book become available to readers in paperback and on Kindle. I have loved reading the reviews, and for those people who I have met that haveContinueContinue reading “The Widow’s Redeemer on Nook @ Barnes & Noble”